Biomancer (Prestige Class)
- Abilities it should have:
- #Breath Weapon
- #Energy Bite
- #Additional attacks
- #Chameleon
- #Burrow, climb, or Swim
Does that size increase come with any associated ability score modifiers? - Kenjura 13:39, 21 August 2007 (EDT)
::Yes, that is the plan. Don put together a spreadsheet of the animals and magical beasts in the PHB, and we're soon going to create mock-up creatures based on my (experimental) progression, and see what turns up. So far the Chimera progresses as follows:
::For each level of Biomancer (including the first), your chimera gets +1 str/dex/nat armor, and one extra bonus trick. The HD of the animal increases from 3 to 12 over 10 levels. Biomancers can "link;" i.e. control their pet as a move rather than a standard action using the handle animal skill. Also get all the Druid animal companion stuff in rapid order (1 per level excluding 5th, and all abilities by 6th - you subtract from these if you choose an animal with more than 3 HD, so you could still keep all of those with an animal of up to 8 HD).
::Additionally, you can "fuze" your familiar, which gives extra benefits. First, the biomancer levels stack with Wizard/Sorcerer for purposes of determining what abilities you get. The pet gains all of the familiar abilities (sans the +3 random bonuses determined by familiar type; you lose this). Your pet gains the intelligence and natural armor bonus of a familiar, but only takes the better of the two natural armor totals, rather than stacking them.
::Replacing a Chimera should cost something like 100 xp per HD of the pet. Might also cost some gold, though I don't consider this much of a mitigating factor. It will also require some access to the base creature, in all likelihood. -Tallas 23:45, 21 August 2007 (EDT)